Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Ascent team clothing

Our team is kitted out in First Ascent upper-wear; Firestorm pullovers, men's and ladies CO2 short sleeved tops and long-sleeved Bladerunner tops. These will all be branded with badges.

We all have gear from racing so we didn't want to duplicate our current wardrobes. We decided to just go with tops, especially as we all have cycle shorts, shorts and tights. Similar tops will keep us looking alike.

We chose First Ascent's charcoal colour as blues and reds are very common at events. Charcoal should be a little different. We'll be wearing white caps, which should be great in the desert heat. The yellow, white and black badges will add a dash of colour; we also have to wear the race bibs all the time.

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