Monday, September 7, 2009

Together for the first time

Team got together for the first time this past Sunday, at the UGE Events trail run in Parys.

I haven't seen Christo in about two years, so it was good to see him again. The guys all got to meet each other for the first time and I echo Alex's post-meeting sentiments, "We've got a great team".

After the trail run, over lunch, we went through equipment lists and other logistics. Top priority is paddle training, which begins this week. We've got three months to prepare and we'll all do some sessions with paddle coach Russell Willis; his training really helped last year.

The next time we'll all get together will be early October; and then again in November for the foot and mountain bike rogaine.

Getting together yesterday has ignited a buzz of excitement and made our team feel 'real'. We'll keep in contact a lot over the next few weeks and I look forward to our next meeting.

(Would you believe that I forgot to take a photo of us together - Arrrggghhh!)

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