Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day two done

The paddle today was shortened to leave out the one island stop. It probably cut out about 5km. The wind out that way was blasting. For us binnelanders it was quite something to paddle on the open sea. Quite a bit of swell as we crossed from the eastern side of Yas Island to a smaller one 13km east. This was after a out and back down Yas Island's coast.

Total paddle took up 4h15. We got in around 4pm. We dont know our placing. A team came in after 6 still.

We expect the paddle tomorrow to take around 10hrs and it includes two island stops before we strike for the mainland; a place called Mirfa.

Ah. Earlier today next so the island coast we had fish jumping all over. Fun.

We have just had our own dinner mostly of tuna sachets and crackers and melrose. Other off treats too. Garth brought tinned fruit and custard. Chris brought Oreos. Yum.

We will sleep really well tonight and now, at 8pm we are ready to sleep. We start at 6am. It is still dark then. We have glo sticks on our kayaks to ward off the oil tankers.

Sent using my Sony Ericsson C902

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