Saturday, December 27, 2008

What to eat during the race?

Food lists became an interest to me when I started doing self-sufficient staged ultra marathons. You have to carry all your food and clothing and equipment for the 5 or 7 days from start to finish. So, weight becomes important. The race regulations specify that you have to pack at least 2000kcal/day. Although you won't die, I find that I feel hungry on Day 3.

Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge was a bit different in that catered dinner and breakfast was provided by race organisation on the 1st, 3rd, 5th nights - and after the finish. We then had to provide snacks and munchies for all the days and dinner for nights 2 and 4 (breakfast for the mornings too). We ate a lot this trip.

I've got a spreadsheet, which I've added to over the years. It contains lists of foods I like for races (and that don't need to be cooked) as well as portion weight; protein, carb and fat content; and calorie contribution.

This time around I put together my food packets and then, out of interest, I added them to my spreadsheet, which I've pasted below. I ate almost everything except a few protein bars, gels and Rehidrates. My worst thing was the USN Hi-Energy bar (unpalatable chocolate cement) and my winning food was the Jungle B'fast cereal with a dash of Cape Creamy soy milk powder. Add 200ml water to the ziploc bag, shake, bite a hole in the corner and suck. Yummy! (Banana and honey flavour cereal).

Click to open the table of foods.

Garth's race food delights included packets of crisps, especially things like Big Corn Bites, Fritos and Niknaks. Lauren had quite a lots of peanuts and raisins mixed with other nuts and corn nuts. I'm quite partial to corn nuts too - great crunchy texture.

Of interest, Tweet said they took 7-8kg of food per person for EcoMotion. Remember that they would have been providing food for themselves 24hr/day, whereas we had a number of meals provided.

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